Step One for Bullying Starts in Grade One

A University of Victoria study points the finger at the first grade as an early opportunity to treat mental health issues in schoolchildren, to help mitigate against bullying in later grades.
UVic psychology professor Dr. Bonnie Leadbeater led the study, which was conducted by UVic researchers and is published in the May/June 2009 issue of the Society for Research in Child Development’s journal, Child Development.
The study indicates that children entering the first grade who are depressed, anxious or excessively aggressive are at risk by the third grade of being victimized by their classmates. Given these findings and the intricate social challenges already faced by elementary schoolchildren in general, Leadbeater points out that early treatment of mental health problems is essential for a healthy progression through school by children with depression, anxiety or excessive aggression.
Click to view the Society’s news release issued today.


Members of the media can contact Sarah Hutcheon (Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC) at for a copy of the published paper.

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Media contacts

>Dr. Bonnie Leadbeater (Department of Psychology) at 250-721-7523

Tara Sharpe (UVic Communications) at 250-721-6248

In this story

Keywords: step, bullying, starts, grade

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