Four new Canada Research Chair's research ranges from genetics to digital futures

Scholars whose research ranges from Dadaism and the explosive impact of internet technology to evolutionary genetics and galaxy evolution are the latest UVic faculty members to receive Canada Research Chair appointments.

“The Canada Research Chairs Program continues to provide UVic with the opportunity to attract some of the brightest researchers in the country whose work will have an impact far beyond our borders,” says UVic President Dr. David Turpin. “The range and expertise represented by these latest talented appointees fulfills the program’s promise of supporting scholars from all disciplines. UVic’s interdisciplinary approach to learning will give a wide range of students the benefit of their knowledge.”

“The Canada Research Chairs Program is one we can be proud of,” says the Hon. Allan Rock, Minister of Industry. “It will serve three generations of scholars and scientists: the senior researchers, the younger ones, and the graduate students who will benefit greatly by being able to work with world-class researchers in a high profile environment. Congratulations to all the new Chair recipients.”

The renewable award comes in two tiers. Tier-one recipients are considered the “stars of today” and their awards provide each researcher with $200,000 for seven years and can be renewed indefinitely. Tier-two recipients are considered the “stars of tomorrow” and their awards provide each researcher with $100,000 over five years, renewable once.

UVic’s tier-one recipients announced today are:

Dr. Ben Koop, Canada Research Chair in Genomics and Molecular Biology. The director of UVic’s centre for biomedical research and co-leader of a Genome Canada-funded, international project to map the salmon genome will continue his investigations into how living things change over time.

Dr. Arthur Kroker, Canada Research Chair in Technology, Culture and Theory. The internationally recognized “futurist and cyber-philosopher” comes to UVic from Concordia University to examine the cultural, social and political impacts of the digital future and emerging biotechnologies.

UVic’s tier-two recipient announced today are:

Dr. Allan Antliff, Canada Research Chair in Modern Art. The art historian from the University of Alberta will bring new insights into the relationship between politics and modern and contemporary art.

Dr. Sara Ellison, Canada Research Chair in Observational Cosmology. This 29-year-old researcher has already travelled the world pursuing her research on the evolution of galaxies. She has developed an innovative, unbiased approach to measuring the evolutionary sequence of galaxies by combining telescope observations with data analysis.
UVic already has nine previously appointed Canada Research Chairs and is expected to receive 21 more.

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Media contacts

Patty Pitts (UVic communications) at (250) 721-7656 or

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Keywords: new, canada, research, chairs, ranges, genetics, digital, futures

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