Does Nutrition Really Matter?

A recent study that found there is little nutritional difference between organic and conventionally-grown produce will have no impact on the way organic produce will be marketed, says UVic business professor Dr. Brock Smith. “I think people who buy organic produce will ignore the study,” he says. “There are taste conscious consumers who buy organic because they perceive a taste or quality difference and there are environmentally concerned consumers who buy organic produce to support environmentally friendly production processes.”

Smith says that although there may be some consumers who think there is a nutritional benefit to eating organic produce, he doesn’t think this group is a large segment. “Chemicals are more often a health concern for those who buy organic produce,” he says, “and the study doesn’t address their impact.”
Smith notes that the study does not consider usage behaviour and that consumers of organic produce may receive greater nutritional benefits because they don’t feel the need to peel the skins off produce to remove chemicals. His comments are in reaction to a recent study commissioned by the Globe and Mail and CTV and conducted by the University of Guelph. Researchers analyzed the nutritional value of organic and conventionally-grown produce and found no significant difference.

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Media contacts

Dr. Brock Smith (business) at (250) 721-6070

In this story

Keywords: diet, health

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