On top of the Maclean’s 2022 university rankings

Maclean’s magazine has released its annual university rankings, with UVic ranked as Canada’s top comprehensive university, a distinction it shares with SFU this year. UVic was also ranked as the top school for promoting Indigenous visibility—a position it’s held since this category was introduced in 2018.

In addition to information from two subjective reputational surveys, Maclean’s weighs 11 key performance indicators to arrive at its rankings, including funding data on research and student services. UVic’s performance is among the top three performers in eight of those 11 categories, and at number one in faculty awards and medical/science grants.

Global subject rankings show UVic strengths cross academic fields

A separate set of university rankings published by Times Higher Education (THE) this fall rank UVic as one of the world’s leading institutions in six subject areas—with more to come in the month ahead.

In psychology and in the physical sciences—which encompass mathematics and statistics, physics and astronomy, chemistry, geology, environmental sciences, and earth and marine sciences—the THE rankings place UVic among the top 150 schools in the world.

UVic is also ranked among the world’s top 300 schools in engineering, computer science and the life sciences. Life sciences span agriculture and forestry, biological sciences, veterinary science and sport science.

Performance in clinical and health areas was also outstanding, with UVic achieving a top 500 global ranking in an area dominated by schools with large-scale research hospitals. 

Times Higher Education will publish additional results later this fall covering business and economics, education, law, social sciences, and the arts and humanities—areas in which UVic also performs well.


In this story

Keywords: rankings, administrative, Indigenous

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