Fall parking changes

- University of Victoria

UVic Parking Lot 6. Credit: Marc Christensen

Following a year of remote learning and working, UVic will be introducing changes to its parking pass program in time for the fall return of students, faculty and staff. 

Beginning in Sept. 2021, the cost for monthly parking and daily parking at certain lots will decrease, while semester parking passes will be discontinued. Monthly parking will decrease from $114 to $75 per month for general parking, and from $199 to $131 for reserve parking. Daily parking in lots further away from Ring Road, such as Ian Stewart Complex, Velox and Lam Circle, will decrease from $9 to $6 per day. 

In Sept. 2021 the cost of an annual (12-month) parking pass will increase by 5%—to $596 for general parking or $1,043 reserved parking. The Flex 25 pass ($150 for 25 single-day permits) will continue to be available, at the same cost as last year. Parking fee increases offset the rising costs of operation and maintenance while helping to support UVic’s sustainable transportation programs, including subsidized student and employee bus passes, cycling facilities, and the Modo car share partnership.

The upcoming parking management changes will provide commuters with greater parking choice and flexibility, and are intended to reduce short-term parking pressures caused by campus construction while anticipating longer-term parking needs. The goal of the university’s Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program is to promote the use of active transportation and transit in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, support healthy communities and achieve the goal of 70% non-single occupancy vehicle travel to and from campus. 

Pay parking is in effect on the Gordon Head Campus Monday through Saturday 24 hours a day. There is no charge for parking on Sundays or on recognized BC statutory holidays. The HonkMobile app is now available to pay for daily or weekly parking.

More about parking and transportation services: uvic.ca/parking


In this story

Keywords: parking, administrative, student life

Publication: The Ring

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