Pot policies: will changes in the US affect Canada?

As Washington State begins legal sale of marijuana and Marc Emery, Canada’s “prince of pot,” expects to be released from prison in the US today, the following University of Victoria faculty members are available to comment:

Lynne Belle-Isle, a graduate researcher in UVic’s Centre for Addictions Research of BC (CARBC), and chair and co-founder of the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, specializes in medical marijuana regulation and legislation. She's available to speak about how the legalization of cannabis in Colorado and Washington state may exert pressure on Canada to change its policies, as well as the economic impact this may have on BC’s estimated $7 billion industry. Belle-Isle is available for interviews in English or French on Wednesday, July 9 between 1 and 3 p.m. and Thursday, July 10 between 8 a.m. and noon. (Phone: 778-433-3073 or lynnebel@uvic.ca)

Philippe Lucas is a PhD student in UVic’s Social Dimensions of Health program and a graduate researcher with CARBC. He is also vice president of patient research and services of a Nanaimo company that provides medical cannabis products and services. He can speak about the therapeutic use of cannabis, public health approaches to substance use and the treatment of addiction. (Phone: 250-370-0981 or philippe.lucas1969@gmail.com)

Michelle Lawrence, assistant professor of law, teaches and researches criminal law and the law of evidence with a focus on criminal justice and mental health policy. Her doctoral research included an examination of the law's response to the use of psychoactive substances (including cannabis) by accused persons with co-occurring mental disorder or neurobiological vulnerability. Lawrence is available during regular office hours (Phone: 778-977-4548 or mlawr@uvic.ca).

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Media contacts

Suzanne Ahearne (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-6139 or sahearne@uvic.ca

Margaret Suderman (Communications, Faculty of Law) at 250-721-8166 or lawcomm@uvic.ca

In this story

Keywords: marijuana, Marc Emery, Centre for Addictions Research of BC

People: Lynne Belle-Isle, Philippe Lucas, Michelle Lawrence

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