Philip Cox

Philip Cox

MA, English

Janelle Jenstad (English) & Peyman Vahabzadeh (Sociology)

Philip Cox is an M.A. candidate in the English and Cultural Social & Political Thought programs at the University of Victoria. He received a B.A. with High Distinction from the University of Toronto in 2010.

Philip’s current research deconstructs the European-colonial project of “discovery” through a discursive analysis of the metaphorical (re)structuring of early encounters and inter-cultural exchanges as revealed in 17th century British travel writing.

This work builds upon his undergraduate thesis, “Mapping Boundaries, Human Bodies: The Imposition of Identity in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus,” which established thematic parallels between pictorial conventions of early modern cartography and rhetorical conventions of European exploration literature to reveal Eurocentric constructions of racial and gender identities prevalent in that period.

Philip has a life-long passion for reading, writing, and teaching. Outside of the academy he is dedicated to all things analog, from slow-cooking and home gardening to vinyl records, film photography and processes of all-grain fermentation. Philip also works as a freelance writer and designer in all aspects of print and digital media.