Martin Adam

Martin Adam
Associate Professor
Pacific and Asian Studies
Office: CLE C231

PhD, McGill University

Research Interests
  • History of Buddhism
  • Indian Philosophy and Religions
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Socially Engaged Buddhism
  • Ethics; Early Buddhist Ethics
  • Buddhist Meditation Theory
  • Free will and personhood in Indian Buddhism

My area of research specialization is Indian Buddhism, with more general interests in other south Asian religious traditions (Hinduism, Jainism). I received my PhD from McGill University in 2003. My studies have included extended periods at institutions in India, Nepal, and Switzerland. A recent study leave included periods at McGill's Faculty of Religious Studies and Oxford's Wolfson College, where I was conducting research in the area of early Indian Buddhist Metaethics. My present duties at UVIC include serving as the Director of the Religious Studies Program. My teaching duties are split between Religious Studies and the Pacific and Asian Studies Department.

Selected Publications

Edited Volumes



PAAS 306:  Indo-Tibetan Religious Traditions
• Early Buddhist Ethics
• History of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism

PAAS 493:  Seminar in Buddhism
• Reading seminar: the Dīgha Nikāya
• Reading Seminar: Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamikakārikā.

PAAS 204:  (Cross-listed with RS 200B) Introduction to Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and the Chinese Religions

RS 401:  Selected Topics
• Buddhist Meditation
• Death and the Afterlife

RS 301:  Contemporary Religious Issues
• Gandhi and the Ethics of Non-violence

RS 302:  Ways of Understanding Religion
• Mysticism and Knowledge