Resolving Conflict with Your Peers (formerly Working through emotions & conflict)

Course duration: 4 hours
Audience: Staff, Aspiring/New Supervisors
Program: Effective Workplace Relations Certificate (EWR), Stepping Up To Supervision Certificate (SU2S)
Course description

Unproductive emotions and conflict in the workplace are two major interpersonal influences that deplete the energy required to meet goals. This workshop teaches important, effective ways to manage emotions and conflict.

Addressing Emotions at Work:

Discover skills for managing emotions in the workplace, helping to prevent runaway emotions, and remain productive and focused toward organizational goals.

Resolving Conflict with your Peers:

Examine a model for the effective management of conflict — which will result in increased collaboration, innovation, problem solving, and productivity in the workplace.

Competencies: Core— Personal Effectiveness, Building Equitable Relationships, University Community.