Problem Solving Results: Solutions, Improvements and Innovations ™ (formerly Problem Solving & Decision Making)

Course duration: 14 hours
Facilitator/Instructor: Ardis Myette
Audience: Staff, Aspiring/New Supervisors, Supervisors, Managers
Program: Effective Workplace Relations Certificate (EWR), Stepping Up To Supervision Certificate (SU2S), Supervising For Success Certificate (S4S), Managing For Results (M4R) Certificate
Course description

This workshop provides participants with the skills and strategies required to find appropriate problem solutions and the energy to implement them:

  • Get acquainted with a dynamic seven-step process for defining and analyzing problems, finding solutions, and implementing them.
  • Explore a number of tools that can enhance success while using the problem-solving approach. Use a separate toolkit to work with and explore several specific methods.
  • Learn how to define decision-making procedures and use objective criteria to evaluate choices and arrive at a solution.
  • Discover specific strategies to aid in action planning and follow-through, as well as approaches that build and sustain momentum for those involved.

Competencies: Core - Personal Effectiveness, Building Equitable Relationships, Commitment to Quality. Leadership - Problem Solving and Decision Making. Creativity and Innovation, Commitment to Quality, Navigating Change.