Performance Planning and Review

Course duration: 7 hours
Audience: Managers
Program: Managing For Results (M4R) Certificate
Course description

As the manager, supervisor or leader of a work group you have a critical role in helping others do the work that ultimately makes the University successful. An important part of your job is ensuring that employee performance plan align with the direction and strategy of the University.

This workshop will:

  • Help you clarify your own priorities and goals in relation to the UVic strategic plan
  • Prepare you for different types of performance-related discussions with your employees.
  • Learn how to help employees prioritize work and establish a system for the verification of goal achievement.
  • Build skills to conduct a performance review that focuses on major responsibilities, opportunities for improvement, and developmental needs.
  • Introduce you to the performance development system and tools in place at UVic for performance planning and review.

Competencies: Core - Personal Effectiveness, Commitment to Quality, Communication, Building Equitable Relationships Leadership - Personal Insight and Impact, Investing in our People, Achieving Results, Strategic Focus, Building Our Culture.