Managers, Supervisors and Diversity

Course duration: 7 hours
Facilitator/Instructor: Moussa Magassa
Audience: Supervisors, Managers
Program: Supervising For Success Certificate (S4S), Managing For Results (M4R) Certificate
Course description

Of primary importance in the effective management of diversity is an understanding of the cultural beliefs and values of the manager’s organization. These beliefs and values are critical in the development of an environment that employees perceive as supportive of diversity.

This workshop will provide an opportunity for managers and supervisors to develop the skills needed to create an inclusive working environment. Skills will include: interviewing, teamwork, and conflict resolution, particularly as they relate to working with a diverse workforce.

Based on the assumption that leadership emerges from an understanding of self in relation to others, participants will examine their own personal styles and leadership attributes and practice their application in the workplace. Finally the managers and supervisors will identify their key roles and responsibilities in a diverse and inclusive workplace .

Competencies: Core - Communication, Building Equitable Relationships, University Community Leadership - Building our Culture