Dealing Effectively with Conflict

Course duration: 7 hours
Audience: Staff, Aspiring/New Supervisors
Program: Effective Workplace Relations Certificate (EWR), Stepping Up To Supervision Certificate (SU2S)
Course description

Conflict is inevitable whenever people work together. If not properly managed, it can become confrontational, personally stressful and unproductive. In this interactive workshop based on The Joy of Conflict Resolution book by Gary Harper, you will learn how to move beyond such confrontational stalemates and address conflict productively. The session will build your self-awareness and understanding of conflict and support you to make conscious, strategic decisions about how do address difficult situations.

Specifically, this workshop will allow you to:

  • identify your conflict style and choose the most appropriate approach for different situations
  • observe the roles people play in conflict and how they lead to confrontation instead of collaboration
  • analyze a conflict and determine underlying causes
  • describe the dynamics of anger and its impact on communication
  • manage yourself in the face of conflict
  • assertively set limits and provide feedback

Participants will receive a copy of The Joy of Conflict Resolution as an additional resource.

Competencies:  Core - Personal Effectiveness, Communication, Building Equitable Relationships, Teamwork