Speakers Series - Mortgages 101

Course duration: 1 Hour
Facilitator/Instructor: Rachael Paul - Consultant for Investors Group Financial Services Inc
Audience: Staff, Aspiring/New Supervisors, Supervisors, Managers
Course description

Fixed? Variable? Open? Closed? Mortgages can be a complicated part of a financial plan, but they don’t have to be.

Come learn about how a mortgage works and different mortgage features.

Many Canadians struggle to save for a down payment; we will also discuss a strategy to save for a down payment with the use of the Home Buyers Plan.

Please note: the speaker series is comprised of community speakers from various community organizations who provide general information only.  The University does not endorse the services provided by community speakers or accept liability for the content of the sessions or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of information provided or services rendered by these organizations.  Please consult with your own licenced financial advisor or other professional advisors  to review your financial strategy and decisions.