Care for the Aging

Course duration: 1 hour
Facilitator/Instructor: Morneau Shepell
Audience: Staff, Aspiring/New Supervisors, Supervisors, Managers, Leaders
Course description

With an aging population, elder care responsibilities are now becoming a reality for an increasing number of Canadians. This multifaceted role is quite different from any other, and many individuals may find it very challenging to investigate and learn about the critical issues they will face as a caregiver for older loved ones. This seminar will enhance caregivers’ decision- making ability and increase their likelihood of experiencing caregiving as a positive and rewarding role.

This seminar will help participants to:

  • Anticipate and prepare for the care of an elderly loved one
  • Understnad the changes that occure as one ages
  • Adapt a home to meet the evolving needs of the senior