Building An Inclusive Work Culture at UVic

Course duration: 3.5 hours
Facilitator/Instructor: Moussa Magassa
Audience: Staff, Aspiring/New Supervisors, Supervisors, Managers, Leaders
Course description

Inclusive workplaces don’t just happen: they are a result of conscious effort on the part of managers and all employees to recognize their own cultural tendencies, to learn from others, to reflect on their own privilege and power, to challenge all forms of ethnocentrism, and to create a space where different ways of seeing and being are valued resources. This workshop will explore some key elements of culture (e.g. communication: both direct and indirect, verbal/non-verbal and writing, accent, intercultural conflicts) and how it affects our experiences and work relations at UVic. Participants will also explore the characteristics of workplaces at UVic and brainstorm individual and institution strategies on how to create more acceptance of cultural diversity and increase inclusion. There will be case scenarios to highlight these challenges and opportunities of the UVic cross-cultural work environments.