Student Mental Health Level 3: Suicide Awareness

Course duration: 2.5 hours
Facilitator/Instructor: Dawn Schell
Audience: Staff, Aspiring/New Supervisors, Supervisors, Managers, Leaders
Course description

This session includes learning how to identify risk factors for suicide, warning signs, how to respond to a person who may be suicidal and where to go for help.
Goals: Participants will be able to identify, respond to, and refer a student who is having suicidal thoughts to appropriate campus resources.
Participants will leave this session with a clear understanding of their role in responding to students who may be at risk for suicide and with basic tools for referring students to campus resources.
Participants will be able to ask about suicide, express support and connect students to resources.

Participants will:

  • Explore the negative stigma surrounding suicide
  • Be able to better identify signs of suicidal risk and how to initially respond effectively
  • Better understand the needs of a person at risk of suicide
  • Enhance their capacity to support and refer students at risk of suicide
  • Know how to connect someone with thoughts of suicide to appropriate resources