Student Mental Health Literacy Program - Level 2

Course duration: 3 hours
Facilitator/Instructor: Dawn Schell
Audience: Staff, Aspiring/New Supervisors, Supervisors, Managers, Leaders
Course description

This session is designed to further assist faculty and staff in learning more in-depth skills for supporting students who have concerns about coping as well as students across the spectrum of mental health concerns. "Beyond the Basics" will provide more detailed information, tools, scenarios and case studies, opportunities to practice using the tools and will be geared to targeted groups of faculty and staff who more frequently respond to students in distress.

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify varying mental health conditions and signs of distress and an outline of how to respond to each.
  • Demonstrate effective listening skills.
  • Distinguish between urgent and non-urgent situations and know how to respond accordingly.
  • Increase confidence to engage with students around mental health issues
  • Recognize when they can handle situations involving students in distress on their own and when they may need to access additional supports.
  • Identify important considerations to help protect student confidentiality when making referrals.

Note: although it is not mandatory, we highly recommend that you attend level 1 prior to taking this session