Student Mental Health Literacy Program - Level 1

Course duration: 1.5 hours
Facilitator/Instructor: Dawn Schell
Audience: Staff, Aspiring/New Supervisors, Supervisors, Managers, Leaders
Course description

This session will provide participants with basic training in mental health awareness and response and ensure faculty and staff have the information they need to consistently and effectively identify, respond to and refer a student to appropriate resources.

The mental health literacy training program supports faculty and staff in assisting students with mental health concerns earlier so that students will have better opportunities to be successful and thrive personally and academically.

Participants will:

  • Be aware of the mental health concerns that students face and how to initially respond effectively.
  • Be able to better identify student behaviours of concern and signs of distress.
  • Be aware of resources to support Student mental health on campus and how to refer students in distress.
  • Enhance their capacity to support and refer distressed students.
  • Learn how to access professional help for consultation on supporting students in distress.