Everything you always wanted to know about Internal Audit but were afraid to ask

Course duration: 2 hours
Facilitator/Instructor: Behram Dadachanji
Audience: Supervisors, Managers
Program: Manager's "how to" series,
Course description

The presentation is intended to shine light around what may be seen by some as the rather mysterious role of Internal Audit at UVic. While many see Internal Audit’s role as a policing function, this is only partly true. More often than not, Internal Audit actually partners with various departments to add value and make recommendations to improve operations.

The presentation is intended to demystify the role of Internal Audit (and auditors as a species) and provide answers to the following often thought of, but rarely asked questions:    

  • What is the role of Internal Audit; why should it exist?
  • What is the governance framework under which Internal Audit operates?
  • Who are Internal Audit’s key clients/stakeholders?
  • Type of work performed by Internal Audit (hint: no, it’s not all finance related).
  • How does Internal Audit select which areas to audit?
  • The Audit Process: What can you expect if your area is selected for an audit?
  • How can I benefit from Internal Audit’s involvement?
  • What happens at the conclusion of an audit?
  • Who audits the auditors?
  • UVic’s Internal Audit team … who are they?
  • Should I be concerned if I get a call from the Internal Audit department?
  • Can I call Internal Audit if I need help?