How to lead when you are feeling burned out

Course duration: 6 hours
Facilitator/Instructor: Calliope Learning
Audience: Supervisors, Managers
Course description

While some may think of leadership as a position, it is actually a choice we make every day. Leadership requires that we bring our best to every situation, a challenging proposition in today’s work world.

In this workshop, discover new ways to think about and reignite your leadership. Leave the workshop with a renewed sense of your own leadership and ideas for how you can continue to develop it and make a difference in your life and in the lives of those around you. In this engaging and interactive session, you will explore:

  • The role of happiness to your leadership
  • The art of reframing
  • How to manage your Energy
  • The importance of your social network
  • How engaging with others in an authentic way brings energy to everyone