Natasha Stefani

Natasha Stefani UVic Engineering Student
Natasha is the project manager for the UVic Rocketry Team

"When I was growing up, I wanted to be everything under the sun: a doctor, a lawyer, a ballerina … Engineering never really crossed my mind. But after hearing stories from my older brother who studied engineering at UVic, I knew it was the path for me."

Now, I want to be a role model for the next generation of engineering students – those who know what they want to do and those who might not see it as a possibility. This kind of dream doesn’t happen without support, and fi nancial security was another major reason why I chose to go to UVic.

It meant a lot to receive scholarships acknowledging the work I had put in during high school, and for people outside of my immediate circle to believe in me. The feeling of knowing donors I had never met wanted to invest in my future was indescribable.

The generosity of donors opened the doors to many dynamic learning opportunities for me. It has helped me aff ord my most basic needs, as well as given me the ability to focus on building industry relationships and studying with the renowned professors at UVic.

I enjoy problem solving and being challenged; every day, I learn something new and grow as a person. And thanks to the support I have received, I have been able to become heavily involved in clubs at school, in particular as the project manager for the UVic Rocketry Team.

I would like the donors who supported my journey to know their gifts made a vital impact on my life, and all the lives I hope to change in years to come. Words will never be enough to express the gratitude I feel for their support in making my dreams come true."

Your generosity has the power to help change the lives of students like me and open the door to the extraordinary academic environment at the University of Victoria."

With gratitude,
Natasha Stefani, UVic Engineering Student
Faculty of Engineering

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