Carmen Ho

Carmen Ho was awarded the Victoria Foundation's Chinese-Canadian Community Scholarship
Carmen Ho was awarded the Victoria Foundation's Chinese-Canadian Community Scholarship

"I am the first person in my family to attend post-secondary. My parents immigrated to Canada from China just before I was born, and they were so proud of me when I got accepted to UVic. The cost of a university education was a barrier for them though – my parents had worked so hard, but all the expenses that come with going to school were more than they could afford.

I remember the moment I learned I was receiving a scholarship like it was yesterday. I was so surprised, my first reaction was, ‘I get this for just being me?’ I immediately called my mom to share the exciting news.

As a second-generation Chinese-Canadian, I often felt divided between two worlds. I felt a step behind, even embarrassed at times. At school, I spoke English and learned about Canadian traditions; but when I went home everything from our food to language was different.

I feel at home at UVic. I now have a deep appreciation for the two cultures that have shaped me and am grateful to be surrounded by such supportive peers and professors. Being able to join clubs and embrace my Chinese-Canadian background has helped me find my sense of belonging.

Donor support has been vital to furthering my education. Thanks to the support I have received from scholarships, I have been afforded the ability to take part in many dynamic learning opportunities, without the stress of working to make ends meet.

I want the donors who have supported my journey to know that it’s not just the money that makes receiving their support so special – it’s knowing that people are proud of you and want to help you achieve your dreams."

Your generosity has the power to help change the lives of students like me and open the door to the extraordinary academic environment at the University of Victoria." 

With gratitude,

Carmen Ho, 2nd Year UVic Student

Faculty of Science

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