Laura Szendrei Foundation

Participants on the walk, run and roll event
Proceeds from the Laura Szendrei Memorial Walk, Run & Roll event fund a soccer award.

Soccer award in memory of talented teenager

If things had been different, Laura Szendrei would have just completed her first year at university. She would have played her first season on a varsity team. She would be returning home to find a summer job and catch up with friends from Burnsview Secondary.

But these things, along with all of Laura’s dreams for the future, were never to be. Fifteen-year-old Laura’s life ended tragically when she was murdered while on her way to watch a soccer game on a beautiful summer afternoon. 

Community rallied together

In the aftermath of this senseless tragedy, Laura’s family and friends created the Laura Szendrei Memorial Scholarship Foundation Society. Their annual Walk, Run & Roll event brings the community together in Laura’s memory, and raises funds to support scholarships. “This foundation and the memory of Laura will be continuous,” says White. “And as such, we want to continue to give youth support that they wouldn't normally have, so they can have post-secondary opportunities, particularly those interested in sport."

Award pays tribute to Laura’s passion for soccer

Laura Szendrei playing soccer

Laura embodied all the characteristics of an exceptional student-athlete. She was an honour roll and French immersion student, a gifted musician and a talented athlete in soccer, figure skating and swimming. The award in Laura’s memory will support a varsity athlete who, like Laura, has a passion for soccer and a strong record of leadership and community service.

The gift of $25,000 from the foundation to establish the award was matched by an anonymous donor, bringing the endowed fund total to $50,000. The Laura Szendrei Memorial Award for women’s soccer ensures that Laura’s legacy will live on by allowing student-athletes to have the Vikes experience that she will never have.