Student Ambassadors donate $2,000 to Student Emergency Fund

Students helping students
UVic student ambassadors donate to the Student Emergency Fund

After a busy year of classes and volunteering across campus, this year’s cohort of UVic Student Ambassadors met at the University Club to celebrate their achievements.

“We are so proud of the work we did,” says Kayleigh Erickson, Student Ambassadors co-president. “We not only supported students through Recharge events with free hot chocolate and cupcakes but this year we gave directly to students who need financial help the most.”

Using their profits from selling flowers and frames at convocation the student-led group is donating $1,000 to the Student Emergency Fund. The fund offers financial support to students who are in financial crises and need immediate assistance.

 “An emergency is something you can’t plan for,” says Dipayan Nag, Student Ambassador co-president. “Knowing that we can help a fellow student pay tuition or fly home to see loved ones during a family crisis is really rewarding.” 

Established through the Alumni Association in 1996, the Student Ambassadors have given more than $42,000 to campus initiatives.

 “Our mission is to improve student life on campus through service projects and philanthropy,” says Erickson. “Part of that is also helping students through the transition to alumni by showing them how to remain connected to campus.”

So, it’s fitting that anonymous alumni donor surprised the group by matching their contribution to the Student Emergency Fund this year, making their total gift $2,000.

“It was a complete surprise to us,” says Nag, “But it shows us the power of a collective community coming together to make a difference, and that will hopefully continue to inspire giving across campus.”