Sense of community inspires yearly gifts

Renee Bauert
Renee Bauert sits in Finnerty Gardens one of her favourite places on campus

Renee Bauert (BA ’80) says UVic has remained a constant in her life since she graduated with her degree in Germanic Studies in 1980. This strong sense of community motivated her to start donating to UVic in 1992 and every year since for the last 26 years. We recently asked Renee about her decision to make regular giving a part of her legacy.

Motivation to give: I want to ensure others have the same positive experience I was lucky enough to have. UVic has always been a place I feel very comfortable. It’s been a constant for me through the years; somewhere to belong.

 The community: One of the things I enjoy most is hearing from the students. Whether through a phone call, note or at a campus event; I feel connected to the many positive things going on at UVic.

 How I give: Over the years, I have given to many areas from the library enrichment fund, student awards and bursaries. It’s important for me to be able to support a variety of ways that enrich the students' experience of campus. I trust UVic to guide my decision of the best way to do that.

 Favourite UVic memory: My favourite memory is a special feeling on campus. When I started in ’76, the auditorium and a couple of other buildings were going up. It was an exhilarating time to be at university.

 Favourite spot on campus: I enjoy visiting the Finnerty Gardens. It’s a beautiful spot to take a walk and enjoy nature, and we are lucky to have it.

 Looking forward: I hope my gifts to the university ensure UVic can continue to offer a high standard of education and that it remains a positive place for students to share ideas and learn.