New Service Building / Further Reduced Parking and Roadway Access

Parking Area behind Both Saunders Workshops (sketch attached)

Facilities Management and Perma Construction will be completing the installation of the underground services in Lot #11 (around both Workshops) commencing Monday, June 19. The work shall be completed in 2 phases, with each phase taking approx. 7 working
days. Completion is expected by Friday, July 7. See attached sketch and memo dated June 15 from Perma for further information.

Note that the excavated trenches could be up to 3m wide - this is to permit the spacing and separation required between mechanical and electrical services. There will be excavation equipment and trucks removing the excavated material/bringing bedding/fill material.

Vehicular traffic will be impacted, however a through traffic route will be maintained. Barricades and signage will be installed. After hours, the open trench will be protected with steel safety fence.

Note the caution regarding gator parking at the landscaped island.

Monday, June 19, 2017 through Friday, July 7, 2017

View/ Download Facilities Management Notice - New Service Building/Further Reduced Parking and Roadway Access

Contact/ Organizer name:  Nazir Jessa, Consulting Project Manager

Contact/ Organizer email: