Campus Security Building – Concrete and Excavation Work

Facilities Management and contractors will be cutting the concrete sidewalk and excavating at the west side of the Campus Security Building and adjacent to the existing EV charging stations. This work will allow for the installation of electrical work to support two additional EV charging stations. The underground work is expected to be completed in approximately one week, with the excavation backfilled. Barricades will be in place around the excavated area.

The above grade work of installing the posts, pulling/ terminating cable, making the charging stations operational and reinstating the concrete work shall be completed in March 2018, when the separate project to seismically upgrade the Campus Security Building is complete. 

Concrete cutting/ above grade work | Monday, August 14th – March 2018

Excavation work | Tuesday, August 15th – Tuesday, August 22nd

View/ Download Facilities Management Notice - Campus Security Building – Concrete and Excavation Work

Contact/ Organizer name: Nazir Jessa, Project Manager

Contact/ Organizer email: