Specialist position details


SENG 440 - Embedded Systems - Marker1

Hourly Rate: $25.152

Term of appointment from: May 7, 2018 to August 3, 2018

Total hours: 25-30*

Average weekly hours: 2-3

* Depending on enrollment, this position may not be available. Hours to be confirmed on appointment.

Summary of duties and responsibilities

Prepare course software tutorials, demonstrate course software, lab experiments and projects, help students work through lab project, answer questions, mark project reports, provide student consultation at established hours, may assist instructor with exam/test invigilation and other related tasks.

Required qualifications and experience

Applicants must possess an undergraduate degree in Electrical or Computer Engineering, Computer Science or an acceptable equivalent. Registered as a Master or Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science or acceptable equivalent. Be familiar with computer systems, digital systems and embedded systems. Have knowledge of VHDL, UML, and Synopsis. Familiarity using Xilinx and Cadence software would be an asset. Have good communication skills.

Other criteria considered include the career and/or pedagogical value a particular position will provide to the graduate/undergraduate student, the student's preferences, and other sources of graduate student financial support being received. The department appointment priority policy provides priority to graduate students in their academic department or school before others. The policy is posted in the department and is available on request.

The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, and aboriginal persons.

Please submit a completed application form online or drop it off at the front desk of EOW 448 by: April 2, 2018.

1 Number of available positions is subject to funding availability, enrollment and/or course cancellation.

2 Effective September 1, 2016 for academic and scientific assistants. See CUPE 4163 collective agreement University of Victoria, Human Resources September 1, 2015.