3D printing technology

UVic Associate Professor Dr. Nikolai Dechev is using advanced 3D printing technology to improve the lives of Central American amputees. Dr. Dechev and his team have produced a 3D printed prosthetic hand and socket system that will allow many upper-limb amputees to regain some function, allowing for a more independent lifestyle or possibly helping with employment. The device is specifically designed to help persons in low-income countries, with a total cost of approximately $200 for a printed and assembled system. These persons could not otherwise afford to pay for new prosthesis, with total costs in North America ranging between $12,000 for a basic model, to $70,000 for more advanced systems. The current 3D printed prosthesis design is based on the orignal TBM Hand prosthesis developed by Dr. Dechev when he was a Masters student at the University of Toronto. With quality 3D printers dropping in price, he seized the opportunity to revisit the older prosthetic design, and together with his team of engineers and engineering students, they have come up with the existing design. This new prosthesis named the “Victoria Hand” is being evaluated in Guatemala, together with their clinical partner, Range of Motion Project (ROMP). Together Dr. Dechev and ROMP aim to provide amputees with a chance regain function and possibly of returning to gainful employment.

To read more articles about Dr. Dechev and this exciting 3D printing, please follow the links in respective order:



To read about ROMP and the work they do in Central and South America check out their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ROMPglobal

Contact: Dr. Nikolai Dechev  dechev@uvic.ca