Student groups

Student groups are a great way to add more practical design experience to your degree, use your technical skills to reach out and help people, or just meet people and get your mind off studying.
Student teams
AERO - Aeronautical Engineering Research Organization
UVic AERO is a student organization open to all faculties, made up of people passionate about flight and aircraft. We're always looking for new members, regardless of previous experience, so don't hesitate to contact us if you're interested in getting involved or simply looking for more information.
The primary purpose of the team is to develop strong hands-on design skills in student engineers who are interested in cutting-edge technology. These include mechanical and electrical hardware design, software development, and aircraft systems engineering.
Membership includes students in electrical, mechanical, computer and software engineering, as well as complementary disciplines, such as business and economics. Student members are given the opportunity to use their theoretical knowledge to solve real world challenges.
UVic AERO members also gain experience working as a team in areas of project management, technical writing, project presentation, manufacturing processes and system integration. Membership is voluntary, with no academic credit given. This means that only well-organized students with drive and determination will have the time to devote to the team outside of class.
Over the course of about 9 months, members of AERO design, construct, and test an autonomous aircraft to be used in a national student competition. A lot of work goes into this project; if you want to find out exactly what you can learn as part of AERO visit the AERO website.
AUVic - Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Group
AUVic is a student-run group open to anyone interested in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) and underwater technology.
AUVic is an entirely student focused endeavor based on innovation, excellence and professionalism. The combination of leading edge technology and our award winning concepts has made AUVic highly regarded within the industry. Under this initiative, students and faculty work cohesively to gain a unique applied experience with high-tech instrumentation. The collaboration creates interesting ideas and produces next generation concepts.
It is this ideology that has made AUVic the most comprehensive and technologically advanced program of its kind.
Biodev - Biomedical Development Team
The University of Victoria's undergraduate Biomedical Development (BioDev) group is comprised of students from multiple engineering and science disciplines. BioDev provides students with hands-on experience researching, designing and prototyping a commercially applicable medical grade devices. Team members gain professional biomedical industry experience, providing them with a competitive edge when applying for co-op jobs and networking with industry.
Biomedical engineering connects engineering to medicine and biology. It includes areas such as medical devices, tissue engineering, pharmaceutical engineering and prosthetics which opens up many doors for design opportunities.
By being part of this group, team members, as volunteers, illustrate their commitment to the biomedical engineering field. If you would like to be part of the team or have any questions please contact us.
Formula Hybrid/EcoCAR Team
The University of Victoria’s Formula Hybrid Team is a student-led club that supports members in acquiring diverse skills in sustainable energy and automotive applications. Our team is composed primarily of students from mechanical, electrical, and software engineering, as well as computer science, business, commerce, and other faculties. The nature of the team encourages students with diverse skill sets to collaborate for a unified initiative, which greatly improves their employability. Here is a summary of what we do.
We design our car from the ground up with industry-standard software. All our designs must comply with the rigorous Formula Hybrid Rule Book.
Most manufacturing is done in-house with some parts outsourced to local sponsors. This gives the team hands-on experience with technical tasks.
Testing is an aggressive design validation. It reveals the weakest links in the vehicle and gives the team an opportunity to fix them before competition.
The year ends with the competition in Loudon, New Hampshire.
FormulaSAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Design and Competition Team
The UVic Formula SAE team is a group of UVic engineering, business and computer science students that come together to design, fabricate and build an open wheel race car for the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Formula SAE colligate design competition every year.
With competitions all over the world and with almost every major university manning a team, Formula SAE is one of the world's largest engineering collegiate competitions. It is supported by Ford, General Motors, Daimler-Chrysler and other large corporations.
UVic Rocketry
The UVic Rocketry (UVR) Team is a group of driven students who wish to develop their skills and knowledge in the area of rocketry. This includes Propulsion, Aerodynamics, Structures, GNC (Guidance, Navigation, and Control), Recovery Systems, testing, and launch operations.
The team is competing in the 2016 Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) hosted by the Experimental Sounding Rocket Association. The objective is to get a 10 pound (4.54 kg) payload as close to 10,000 feet (3,048 m) altitude.
UVic Robotics
UVSD - UVic Satelite Design Team
UVSD, competing in the Canadian Satellite Design Competition put on by Geocentrix. We will be measuring coastal and inland water turbidity using a sensitive camera capable of a 50m spatial resolution. This is the first satellite to undertake such a mission. Water turbidity is useful to geographers and climatologists as it indicates soil erosion and rainfall patterns.
We are always looking for new members and sponsors. Please feel free to contact us with any questions about the project or getting involved in this unique competition.
UVIC Submarine Racing Club
The Uvic Submarine Racing Club’s (UVSRC) main goal is to design, build, and race a human-powered submarine at the annual International Submarine Race held either in the USA (ISR) or the United Kingdom (eISR).
We also believe in the importance of networking between sponsors, employers, and club members for future career opportunities.
To achieve this, the Club strives to develop students’ research, technical, and manufacturing skills in Marine Systems Engineering.
Student societies
ESS - Engineering Students' Society
The ESS Executive are a group of people that help to improve the quality of UVic Engineering life outside of classes.
The positions are completely voluntary, and each Exec spends approximately 5-10 hours per week involved in organizing, developing, and communicating ESS events and services.
The length that an Exec may hold a position may not exceed 16 months (2 school terms and 2 co-op terms)