Rick Mercer Visits UVic's Victoria Hand Project

Rick Mercer Test Drives Prosthetic Arm
Rick Mercer visits Victoria Hand Project

On Jan. 16, theRick Mercer Report launched its 2018;and final season on CBC. It features the comedian and satirist's visit to UVic campus last fall in which Mercer gets a brainwave assessment in Olav Krigolson's neuroeconomics lab, test-drives a 3D-printed prosthetic at the Victoria Hand Project lab and attempts to sing opera with music professor Benjamin Butterfield.

"This campus has it all", Mercer says as he starts his walkabout. "Beautiful on the outside, cutting-edge on the inside."

While on campus, Rick visited Nikolai Dechev's lab in the Engineering/Computer Science building where the Victoria Hand Project (VHP) is based. VHP makes 3D-printed hands for the developing world. They're currently working with on-the-ground clinicians in Nepal, Cambodia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti and Egypt to custom-fit and print prostheses at a cost of $110 for materials. To read the full article click here

Contact: Dr. Nikolai Dechev  dechev@uvic.ca