Emma Wilton

Emma Wilton

MA student


Tommy Happynook
Andrea N. Walsh


Visual anthropology and materiality

I am a Master’s student studying under Dr. Andrea Walsh and Dr. Tommy Happynook. I received my undergraduate degree from UVIC with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Anthropology and a minor in Museum Studies. Most of my interests are within museums as sites for intersectionality and dynamic identities to interact and influence the power of sharing knowledge.

Studying in a program and working in institutions which both have heavy colonial roots, I want to explore how decolonization can be achieved or if it can be achieved. I want to utilize community based research to listen to the lived experiences of people and apply their knowledge to achieve a museum which better reflects and serves the community.

Over the past two years, I have gained significant experience within museums by working as the Collections and Exhibits Manager at the Sooke Region Museum. Additionally, I have been working alongside Dr. Walsh and Dr. Happynook with the Huu-ay-aht Nation on a Traditional Name Reclamation project for the community. Both have given tremendous insight on working within a museum and a Nation.