History Reading Room designated as the “Rippin Room”

rippin room

A moving ceremony on March 2, 2017 marked the designation of the History Reading Room as the “Rippin Room” in memory of Andrew Rippin, much beloved former dean of the faculty.

Rippin, who lead the faculty for a decade, was a professor of History and noted researcher on Islamic History and Qu'ranic studies.

Tributes were offered by John Lutz, chair of History, who recalled Rippin as dean, friend, and kayaking companion, as well as by current dean Chris Goto-Jones, who said how moved he has been by seeing Andrew’s model of compassion and wisdom still very alive in our faculty. 

The mood of the room was captured by Hélène Cazes (French) who hoped that some future student, perhaps decades from now, would see Rippin’s picture on the wall of the reading room and perceive his qualities of wisdom, scholarship, and wit.