The Ted Harrison, Wingate Art Education Bursary

A bursary helps student art teachers bring creativity to children. Visual arts education in schools is an important factor in the academic and social development of children. That’s why artist, author and teacher Ted Harrison, one of Canada’s best known painters, has donated funds to establish the Ted Harrison, Wingate Art Education Bursary in the Faculty of Education. The bursary will help aspiring art teachers bring the world of visual arts to life in the hearts and minds of our school children.

“There’s not enough stress on creativity in young people” said Harrison. “Through art, children gain the creative problem solving skills that, as they move on in life, will benefit them in their work, whether in business, design, technology or industry. It also creates two essential attributes for any progressive person – emotion and empathy - two things that make constructive citizens.”

Harrison, who received an honourary Doctor of Fine Arts degree from UVic in 1998, has for nearly 30 years interpreted Canada's Yukon through painting and words. His work is shown regularly throughout Canada, and many of his paintings can be seen in major corporate and private collections in Canada, Europe and the U.S. His books - including an illustrated version of the well-known Robert Service poem, The Cremation of Sam McGee - have achieved international accolades and awards for excellence in book design.

Through the help of donors, UVic can award more scholarships and bursaries – a gift that will make a difference in the life of a young person with the dream of a university education. It’s an investment that will pay enormous dividends for all of us – for the students themselves, and for society.