November 28: Distinguished Women Scholars Lecture - Dr. Sabrina Doyon

Distinguished Women Scholars Lecture 

Dr. Sabrina Doyon

Professor, Department of Anthropology

Laval University, Québec

Drifting Conservation? Navigating Between Environmental Exploitation and Protection on the St. Lawrence River

Tuesday, 28 November | 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Cornett Building, Room B129

Presented by the Anthropology Department

The St. Lawrence River is one of Quebec’s landscape icons and shelters numerous and abundant marine species. This is less and less true, however, in spite of conservation efforts to protect them. This is particularly the case with three emblematic species, namely the beluga, eel, and black sturgeon. This paper examines the conservation mechanisms applied to these species, their underlying logic, and the resulting positions that are adopted between protection and exploitation. To do so, it explores, from a political ecology perspective, the social and environmental consequences of capitalist development in recent history and their impact on conservation and resource management.

Our Distinguished Women Scholars Lecture series was established by the Vice-President Academic and Provost to bring distinguished women scholars to the University of Victoria.


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