March 7: Reconciliation and resurgence: How Indigenous artists are re-imagining the story of Canada

Reconciliation and resurgence: How Indigenous artists are re-imagining the story of Canada

Alix Goolden Hall (907 Pandora Ave)
March 7
7:00pm - 9:00pm

Join university chancellor and celebrated broadcast journalist Shelagh Rogers for an intimate conversation with Indigenous visual artists Rande Cook and Carey Newman and UVic visual anthropologist Andrea Walsh. Across Canada, contemporary Indigenous artists are using images to explore place, truth and identity and challenging us to transform our perspectives, conversations and ideas. Collectively, this great imagining is playing a unique and pivotal role in understanding our past and determining our shared future.

Registration is required for this FREE event.

Host: Shelagh Rogers (UVic Chancellor and Honorary Witness to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada)

Speakers: Carey Newman (Visual artist of Kwagiulth, Salish and British descent and creator of the nationally acclaimed monument, The Witness Blanket), Rande Cook (Kwagiulth visual artist and UVic's Audain Chair in Contemporary Art Practice of the Pacific Northwest) and Andrea Walsh (UVic visual anthropologist and curator)

This event is hosted by UVic's Vice-President Research, David Castle.