Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier interviewed about the changes to US and Cuba diplomatic relations

Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier (Anthropology) has been interviewed by a number of media outlets about the recent improvement in US and Cuba diplomatic relations, including CBC Radio One's “On the Coast” (Dec 17), CFAX 1070's “Terry Moore Show” (Dec 17),  Singtao Daily Limited (affliated with Toronto Star) (Dec 17), CBC Victoria “On The Island” (Dec 18) and Radio Canada Vancouver's “Midi Express” (Dec 19).

Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier (Dept. of Anthropology) is an expert in the cultural policies of Cuba, the Caribbean and South America. She can discuss how diplomatic relations with the US would positively impact the daily lives of the people of Cuba. She has conducted research in Cuba for more than 16 years—and lived in Cuba for three years—and is also an expert in how Cubans access and circulate digital data (considering their limited access to the Internet), for instance, through the use of memory sticks and other portable devices. She has also worked extensively on youth popular culture and music, looking at the relationship between arts, culture and the Cuban Revolution.