Supports and resources for students

- Jim Dunsdon, AVP Student Affairs

Dear UVic students,

This year has presented many additional challenges that none of us could have predicted, both in terms of academic success and personal wellness. As we approach the end of this term, I know that many of you may be experiencing higher than usual levels of stress. As you prepare for final assignments and exams, I want to remind you of the many resources we have available to support you during this demanding time.

Regardless of where you are currently studying, you can access supports related to mental health and wellness, financial aid, and academics. Please reach out for help if you need it and encourage others to do the same. Here are some options that may be helpful to you and your peers:

  • Talk to your instructor—take advantage of office hours, opportunities to engage in study groups, or any structured reviews of course materials.
  • Access the Student Wellness Centre—in-person and virtual supports are available for your emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing, including Counselling Services and the 24/7 SupportConnect program.
  • Use campus study spaces for studying and taking exams—there are about 400 bookable, drop-in, individual and group study spaces, including computer workstations and adaptive technology rooms for use of accessibility software.
  • Visit the Learn Anywhere website—new resources have been added, including workshops and technology drop-in sessions for assistance with online learning and information regarding online exam invigilation.

While we still don’t know what will be possible during the holiday season with respect to travel and visiting with loved ones, I hope that you find time over the break for yourself—to rest, relax and recover from a busy term of study.

I wish you all a successful end to the fall term. Take care and be well.


Jim Dunsdon
Associate Vice-President Student Affairs
University of Victoria