Schulich Leader scholars make UVic their choice

Engineering, Science

Two exceptional BC high-school scholars have received prestigious national scholarship awards to begin post-secondary studies at the University of Victoria this September.

Out of a pool of more than 300,000 potential candidates across Canada, 1,500 students were nominated for the Schulich Leader Scholarship and 50 received this celebrated award.

Sacha Elizabeth Stipec, a graduate from Elphinstone Secondary School, in Gibsons, is recipient of the $100,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship in engineering. Stipec has a 98 per cent average, receiving Elphinstone’s aggregate award for academic achievement and citizenship. Given her strong commitment to the environment and her interest in math and science, Stipec has decided to pursue a mechanical engineering degree, with a focus on researching and developing sustainable energy technology.

Stipec says UVic offers the perfect combination of hands-on learning and opportunity for self-exploration though the co-op program, which opens doors to future employment.

“My dream is designing sustainable infrastructure, including resource and renewable energy systems,” says Stipec.

She is grateful for the support of the Schulich Leader Scholarship.

For me, being a Schulich Leader means that I will have the opportunity to connect with other budding engineers and scientists working on the innovative edge of climate change research. I will also be provided with the opportunity to focus on my studies without financial restraint.
—Sacha Elizabeth Stipec, recipient of the $100,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship in engineering.

Elise McRae Coates, a graduate of Wellington Secondary School, in Nanaimo, is a recipient of the $80,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship in science. She enters UVic with a 99 per cent average and has excelled at her coursework.

“The Schulich scholarship is the ultimate gift of academic freedom,” says Coates. “I am so excited by the opportunity to completely immerse myself in my studies. By being able to fully engage in the academic process and take as many co-op and hands-on learning opportunities as I can, I hope to gain the knowledge and experience to help me solve problems faced by our oceans.”

Coates is deeply committed to the health of oceans, including impacts of plastics and bioaccumulative toxins and has decided to pursue a degree in the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences. Given this passion, she has been involved in youth education, including teaching elementary students about Vancouver Island’s seashores through the local Seashore Program.

“I am really excited by the integrated nature of UVic’s physics and ocean sciences programs and hope it will allow me to pursue and grow my passion for BC’s coast,” says Coates.


In this story

Keywords: award. student life

People: Elise McRae Coates, Sacha Elizabeth Stipec

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