PICS Climate News Scan—free resource for media and newsmakers

Journalists covering climate change related issues—including energy markets, science, social impacts and the emerging green economy—can sign up to the newly revamped free weekly e-newsletter from the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS).

The “PICS Climate News Scan” is one of the core products produced by the Institute, which is an independent consortium of British Columbia’s four leading research-intensive universities, hosted and led by the University of Victoria. Starting this month, the new-look e-newsletter has been modernized so that reading is simpler and clearer.

Under the topics of Energy, Science, Policy, Society and Solutions, the PICS Climate News Scan analyzes five headlining issues each week, untangling what the implications are for the provincial and federal governments’ future policy direction. It is a resource for policymakers, business people, reporters and members of the public looking to keep on top of the climate news relevant to British Columbia (BC) and with wider implications for Canada.

For policymakers, it brings evidence-based research from top climate scientists at PICS and around the world to bear into real-world solutions. For journalists, it’s a digest of the climate change beat that keeps track of how the top stories are developing while adding analysis specific to BC.

PICS executive director Tom Pedersen says the scan will continue to deliver the same high quality analysis of climate-related issues, but the focus will shift slightly.

“In line with the PICS major research program, the focus will be on providing analysis and information that directly supports policy development towards a vibrant low-carbon economy in BC specifically and Canada in general,” he says. “The Climate News Scan is now structured to better deliver the climate stories and issues that affect day-to-day life for Canadians—from how we manage our forests under a changing climate, to the implications of future energy options such as renewables or LNG.”

The scan is published online and emailed free to subscribers every Thursday (except over Christmas). You can subscribe by clicking here, and please pass on the link to anyone else who may be interested. For more information on the Climate News Scan or PICS, please contact PICS communications staff.


In this story

Keywords: Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, climate change

People: Tom Pedersen

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