New "digs" for popular plant sale

The UVic Plant Sale is moving outdoors, to the lawn adjacent to the Finnerty Gardens entrance at the Interfaith Chapel. The sale is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 4, with free parking nearby in parking lot 6. The smaller sale will offer a specialized selection, including rhododendrons, perennials and other plants. Music, garden tours (the sale coincides with the height of rhododendron season), growing advice from the volunteer members of Finnerty Garden Friends, and refreshments will be available.

The Finnerty Garden Friends have organized the annual UVic Plant Sale since 1978, raising funds for the ongoing development of Finnerty Gardens. Thousands of visitors—from campus and the community—visit Finnerty Gardens each year for its spectacular rhododendron collection and more than 4,000 varieties of trees and shrubs. The gardens are open year-round and admission is always free.

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