New art by Yahgulanaas

Acclaimed Haida artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas unveiled his latest piece, "Craft", on Sept. 13 in the Visual Arts building's Audain Atrium. With this exhibit, running through to Oct.r 8, Yahgulanaas completes his year as the second Audain Professor in Contemporary Art Practice of the Northwest for the Department of Visual Arts. This is the first appearance for "Craft"—made from white gold, copper and fiberglass—which represents a historic hull from the days when industry was first introduced to fisheries.

Incoming 2012-13 Audain professor Nicholas Galanin—an internationally acclaimed Tlingit/Aleut multidisciplinary artist based in Alaska—was on hand for the unveiling of this new work, and has now started his own teaching year. Galanin is a strong choice for the third Audain position; valuing his culture as highly as his individuality, he has created an unusual path for himself by deftly navigating “the politics of cultural representation” and balancing both ends of the aesthetic spectrum. Nicholas Galanin will give a visiting artists talk at 8 p.m. Sept. 19 in room A162 of the Visual Arts building. 

In this story

Keywords: Indigenous culture, visual arts

People: Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

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