NEPTUNE Canada celebrates with a new book

Three years ago, the University of Victoria made scientific history by streaming live data from NEPTUNE Canada, the world’s largest and most advanced undersea observatory network. Now, a new book highlights the ocean network’s first year of research and operations. An Invitation to Science is an overview of deep-sea technology and research projects at each of the five node sites along the 812-km cabled undersea network.

From black smokers on Endeavour’s mid-ocean ridge to mysterious gas hydrates at Barkley Canyon, extensive diagrams and photos introduce over 100 instruments, the measurements they are taking, and how scientists are using the data.

The book is for anyone with a scientific interest in oceans—from the professional researcher to the citizen scientist. “We wanted to make each of the sites come alive for everyone,” says Maia Hoeberechts, the book’s project manager. “It’s our way of sharing the discoveries and challenges of that first amazing year, but also an invitation to get people excited about using the observatory’s technology and infrastructure to further our understanding of the ocean.”

An Invitation to Science is available in print for $9.95 through the UVic Bookstore. It can also be downloaded as a PDF from the NEPTUNE Canada website. An abbreviated version with stunning undersea video clips, is available for the iPad.

The ONC Observatory, led by UVic, is made up of the NEPTUNE Canada regional network and the VENUS coastal network. It is transforming the way we study the oceans, providing scientific evidence applicable to a wide range of critical issues, and developing new world-leading technologies. The observatory is a national facility supported through funding from the governments of Canada and British Columbia.

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Keywords: NEPTUNE Canada, oceans, research

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