Distinguished Alumni Awarded

As part of UVic’s Alumni Week (Feb. 6–12) celebrations, 12 UVic grads were honoured with Distinguished Alumni Awards Feb. 8 at the University Club. Hon. Marion Buller Bennett, BA ’75, LLB ’87, Provincial Court judge and first female First Nations member of the BC judiciary; Hon. Thomas Crabtree, LLB ’83, Chief Judge, Provincial Court of BC; Dr. Bruce Crawford, BSc ’65, influential medical educator and space science researcher; Esi Edugyan, BA ’99,Giller Prize-winning novelist; Lise Haddock, BSW ’88, Executive Director, Lalum’utul’Smun’eem Cowichan Tribes Child and Family Services; Simon Ibell, BA ’02, founder, iBellieve Foundation for curing mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II or Hunter syndrome); Dr. Mark Lewis, BSc ’87, leading mathematical biologist, focused on ecological issues; Margaret Lucas, Cert. ’95, Victoria business community leader and manager, Hotel Rialto; Robert Wiersema, BA ’93, best-selling author and Bolen Books event coordinat#8744; Jody Wilson-Raybould, BA ’96, Regional Chief of BC, Assembly of First Nations; Lauren Woolstencroft, BEng ’05 multi-gold medalist, Paralympic skiing; and G. Andrew Work, MBA ’02, Executive Director, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. More: http://bit.ly/zyITkO

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Keywords: alumni, award, alumni week

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