UVic's response to the federal budget

On Monday, June 6, the federal government reintroduced the 2011 budget in the House of Commons, affirming the commitments made in the budget announced in March prior to the recent Federal election.
“I am pleased to see the Government of Canada provide ongoing investment in research and education that will be essential to support Canada with its economic recovery,” says UVic President Dr. David Turpin.

“In particular, I am happy to see an additional $37 million in funding for the granting councils, including a higher share than previous years being allocated to social science and humanities research. I also welcome the enhancement of the Canada Student Loans and Grants to expand eligibility and an investment of over $34 million a year once fully implemented. I look forward to the Panel of Experts on First Nations education developing concrete steps to improve the opportunities and success for First Nations students. In addition, the $10 million investment over two years towards the development of an international education strategy will support Canada’s efforts to continue to recruit students and faculty from abroad.” Budget highlights include the following new allocations:

  • $15 million a year to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
  • $15 million a year to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
  • $7 million a year to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
  • An additional $10 million a year to the Indirect Costs Program
  • $53.5 million over five years for 10 new Canada Excellence Research Chairs
  • An additional $65 million for Genome Canada
  • $35 million over five years to support excellence in climate and atmospheric research

Follow the links below for further budget analysis and highlights:
    •    Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada

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Keywords: response, federal, budge

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