New office handles student policies and non-academic misconduct

- Melanie Groves

A new office within the Division of Student Affairs has opened its doors to oversee policies affecting student life at UVic and resolve allegations of non-academic student misconduct.

The Judicial Affairs office administers the new Non-academic Student Misconduct Policy, and works directly with students, faculty and other university community members to help resolve concerns in a consistent manner. Approved in May 2011, the policy clarifies what constitutes non-academic student misconduct, and establishes processes for submitting, investigating and responding to allegations, and appealing decisions made under it.

“When concerns about student conduct arise, our goal is to offer fair and efficient processes that emphasize informal resolution while educating students so they can understand the impacts of their behaviour,” says Student Affairs Policy Officer Jonathan Derry. “Now we are able to review concerns in a consistent and comprehensive way while protecting the rights of those involved and working toward solutions that serve the broader campus community.”

Any member of the university community concerned about student misconduct can file an incident report. “We encourage people to use the confidential online reporting form,” says Derry. “We will begin an investigation if the issue meets our criteria and can’t be resolved informally.”

Following an investigation, the office may implement or recommend sanctions in cases of confirmed misconduct. “When student misconduct is confirmed, the focus is on repairing the harm caused, and restoring relationships and community, rather than on punishment,” says Derry.

The office is also responsible for developing, reviewing and implementing policies that affect student life at UVic. “We’re working with campus stakeholders to make sure that policies impacting students are clear, current and accessible,” says Derry.

The Judicial Affairs office “is a resource for the entire university community, and enhances our efforts to create a safe and inclusive community that supports student success,” says Jim Dunsdon, Associate Vice-President of Student Affairs. “It will also help ensure that policies across the Student Affairs portfolio meet the needs of students, departments and other users.”

For more information about the office, or for questions about what constitutes non-academic misconduct, visit the website at, call 250-721-6397 or email

In this story

Keywords: new, office, handles, student, policies

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