Consultations coming for UVic sustainability policy

The university has embarked on a process to create a new campus sustainability policy and action plan.

The process will include a review of current campus initiatives and best practices at other institutions and an eight-month consultation period to identify ways in which UVic can take a leadership position in social, environmental and economic sustainability.

The policy will set the direction for the university’s institutional commitment to sustainability and empower individuals, departments and faculties to take action. The plan will include a framework for identifying opportunities, establishing strategic priorities and developing resourcing strategies.

“We want to build on UVic’s sustainability successes in teaching, research and operations,” says Neil Connelly, director of the Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability. “The policy will provide a way to prioritize our goals and give us a management system for establishing benchmarks, monitoring progress and regular reporting.”

An advisory committee reporting to the campus planning committee will be seeking input into the new policy from staff, students, faculty and community members throughout the spring and fall of 2008. Check the sustainability website at for upcoming opportunities to provide feedback. The policy will be presented to the Board of Governors for approval in early 2009.

See the Path to Sustainability insert in this issue of The Ring for more information, including preliminary results from the campus greenhouse gas emissions study.

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Keywords: consultations, sustainability

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