Aboriginal health researcher garners national award

Dr. Jeff Reading, Mohawk Tyendinaga, scientific director of the UVic-based Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Aboriginal Peoples Health, has received the 2008 National Aboriginal Achievement Award in the field of health.

"I appreciate the recognition very much because it comes from the Aboriginal community," says Reading.

Reading has played an important role in nurturing the growth of the Aboriginal health research community. His work helped launch an innovative program to increase the number of Aboriginal peoples entering the field of health research and expand capacity across Canada for this type of research. The Government of Canada recently invested nearly $16 million to help fund the next stage of this program, known as the Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research, a network of 9 research centres located in universities across the country.

Reading's vision has also ensured that Aboriginal communities are equal partners in research. New ethics guidelines for Aboriginal health research, a first for Canada and the world, will ensure that Aboriginal communities are involved in the research process, that the research is culturally appropriate and that the community benefits from the research.

Reading received his award at the 15th Annual National Aboriginal Achievement Awards Gala held on March 7 in Toronto.

The National Aboriginal Achievement Awards (NAAA) established in 1993 exemplify, encourage and celebrate excellence in First Nations, M&e#180;tis and Inuit communities across Canada.

A national jury, comprised of accomplished Aboriginal people, selects 12 career award winners in different fields, one youth and one lifetime achievement award recipient annually.

In this story

Keywords: research, health, award, Indigneous

People: Jeff Reading, Mohawk Tyendinaga

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