Register now for 2011 diversity research forum

Learn about innovative research from UVic faculty, staff and students at the Provost’s Diversity Research Forum, Critical Conversations: The Art and Science of Diversity, taking place on campus Feb. 9-11, 2011. Engage in critical conversations on gender, race, identity, ability, Indigenous knowledge, mental health, sexuality, international topics and more… Speakers include the Honourable Lillian Dyck, Senator for Saskatchewan, and UVic’s new Vice-President Academic and Provost Dr. Reeta Tremblay. Registration is free and includes a deliciously diverse lunch, and all rooms are accessible. Everyone is welcome: faculty, staff, students and community members. Generously sponsored by the Vice-President Academic and Provost, Office of Indigenous Affairs, Office of International Affairs, Campus Security Services and Student Affairs. Register early! More info: or contact

In this story

Keywords: diversity, research

People: Lillian Dyck, Reeta Tremblay

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